Three Guys From Miami: Cuban and Spanish Food Recipes

Jorge Castillo: We've been told...

Glenn Lindgren: ... by the Food Police...

Jorge Castillo: ...that Cuban food is unhealthy...

Glenn Lindgren: ... by the Food Police...

Jorge Castillo: ...they cry, "Where's the salads?" .

Glenn Lindgren: Again, that's the Food Police, talking.

Jorge Castillo: Well, just to prove them wrong, here is another delicious and healthy Cuban salad.

Glenn Lindgren: The next time anyone from the Food Police comes over, we're going to give them a big bag of lettuce to munch on. That will mean more of that "unhealthy" Cuban food for the rest of us! YUM!

Garbanzo Bean Salad - Ensalada de Garbanzos

Garbanzo Bean Salad -- Ensalada de Garbanzos

By Three Guys From Miami

Prep time: 15 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

A great tasting salad with garbanzo beans and fresh lime.


1 green pepper diced and blanched
1 red bell pepper diced and blanched
1 cup sweet yellow onion, diced
2 (15-ounce) cans garbanzo beans
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Core and seed the green and red pepper. Place the peppers in a small bowl with a little water, cover with plastic wrap and blanch in a microwave on high for approximately 90 seconds. Let the peppers cool. Dice the peppers when they are cool enough to handle.

Combine the peppers, onion, and garbanzo beans in a non-metallic bowl. Use a blender to combine the lime juice, olive oil, cumin, salt, pepper, and garlic. Pour the dressing over the garbanzo bean mixture, cover and refrigerate for one hour or more to let the flavors absorb into the beans.

Emulate Martha Stewart by serving this salad chilled on a lettuce leaf!

This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 24 new photos of the prepared dishes.



This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 14 new photos of the prepared dishes.


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Three Guys From Miami Show You How to Make the Best Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American Food!

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Three Guys From Miami:

Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American food recipes, Miami/Little Havana Travel Guide, Miami Restaurant Guide, Hispanic Culture & Food

The Three Guys From Miami are: Raúl Musibay, Glenn Lindgren, and Jorge Castillo
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Recipes and additional editorial content are from the books: "Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban." Copyright ©2004, or "Three Guys From Miami Celebrate Cuban" Copyright ©2006, or orginal to this website. All Rights Reserved.

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