Raúl Musibay: Every Cuban had a mima who prepared her own special chicken soup.
Jorge Castillo: My mother is still making hers -- and it's delicious!
Raúl Musibay: This recipe includes yuca and plantains. Take care not to overcook the vegetables or they will completely disintegrate.
Jorge Castillo: It's been so cold in Miami this winter, we've been eating a lot of this soup to warm up.
Glenn Lindgren: And even if it's hot where you are, it's still a great soup.
Cuban chicken soup amped up with yuca and plantains.
3 tablespoons olive oil for sautéingBriefly sauté green onions, cilantro, and cumin in olive oil. Quickly whisk in the flour, stirring thoroughly to avoid lumps. Immediately add one cup chicken stock, continue to whisk until well blended. Remove from heat. Set this chicken stock/onion/cilantro mixture aside.
Place chicken and remaining chicken stock in a large eight-quart stockpot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the yuca, calabaza, potatoes, and plantain; continue to simmer for about 40 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
Remove the chicken thighs from the soup, run under cold water to cool. Skin and de-bone the chicken, breaking it into bite-size pieces. Return the chicken pieces to the simmering broth.
Add the chicken stock/onion/cilantro mixture and the lemon juice to the soup and stir thoroughly.
Continue cooking until the soup is hot and ready to serve. Salt and pepper to taste.
Garnish with chopped cilantro and sliced mild red onion.
This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 14 new photos of the prepared dishes.
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Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American food recipes, Miami/Little Havana Travel Guide, Miami Restaurant Guide, Hispanic Culture & Food
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