Three Guys From Miami: Cuban and Spanish Food Recipes

Jorge Castillo: Flan is such a wonderfully rich dessert, creamy and full of egg flavor like a very rich custard.

Glenn Lindgren: However, it's very easy to make. In fact, we have simplified this recipe over the years to make it as easy as possible.

Jorge Castillo: Even a ten-year-old can do a good job with this recipe!

Raúl Musibay: So if you're having trouble, run out and find a ten-year-old!

Jorge Castillo: No, really, your guests will think you worked all afternoon on this delicious treat!

Glenn Lindgren: The only tricky part is melting the sugar. Many recipes suggest adding water to the sugar, but this is not really necessary.

Jorge Castillo: Okay, if you want to wimp out and play it safe, add a tablespoon of water. But believe us, there's plenty of water in that "dry" sugar!

Flan - Cuban Custard

Flan -- Cuban Custard

By Three Guys From Miami

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 1 hour
Yield: 8 servings

A wonderfully rich dessert, creamy and full of egg flavor like a very rich custard.


1 lemon rind, carefully pared
1 cup milk
1 cinnamon stick
3/4 cup sugar
8 whole eggs
1 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Use individual ovenproof custard cups. Carefully remove the outer rind from a lemon. Don't cut too deep or you'll cut into the pulp! You just want the outer, mostly yellow layer!

Scald the milk by bringing it quickly to a boil with the lemon rind and cinnamon stick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let stand for 15 minutes. Remove lemon rind and cinnamon stick after the milk cools.

For the caramel, heat 3/4 cup sugar in the bottom of a metallic pan at medium-high heat until it begins to melt. Stir constantly to prevent burning! The sugar will turn to a thick syrup with a dark brown color. Quickly remove from heat and pour into each one of your individual custard cups. Tilt back and forth to cover the bottom and sides of the dish. The syrup will harden as it cools to form a thick shell. During the baking process, this shell magically transforms itself into a delicious dark caramel syrup.

For the custard, beat the eggs with 1 cup sugar until thoroughly mixed and frothy; stir in the warm milk and the cream. Pour into the caramel-lined dishes and set it into a water bath (baño de Maria).

Bake for 35 to 50 minutes or until a knife comes out of center clean. Let cool in dish.

Before serving, loosen sides with a knife and flip onto individual plates or just serve the flan in the custard cup dusted with a little cinnamon or nutmeg.


This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 14 new photos of the prepared dishes.


This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 24 new photos of the prepared dishes.


Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban

Three Guys From Miami Celebrate Cuban

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The Three Guys From Miami are: Raúl Musibay, Glenn Lindgren, and Jorge Castillo
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Recipes and additional editorial content are from the books: "Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban." Copyright ©2004, or "Three Guys From Miami Celebrate Cuban" Copyright ©2006, or orginal to this website. All Rights Reserved.

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