Glenn Lindgren: The most popular are probably the many tropical flavors: mango, mamey, guanabana.
Jorge Castillo: One we particularly like is the batido de trigo or wheat shake.
Glenn Lindgren: You might ask: "Wheat in a milk shake?" But think of the tasty puffed wheat cereal from your not-too-distant childhood and you'll get an idea of what the batido de trigo tastes like.
Jorge Castillo: It's a unique flavor you just won't find anywhere else!
Batido de Granadilla -- Passion Fruit Shake
Batido de Guanábana -- Guanábana Shake
Batido de Mamey -- Mamey Shake
Batido de Mango -- Mango Shake
Batido de Mora -- Blackberry Shake
Batido de Plátano -- Banana Shake
Batido de Trigo -- Puffed Wheat Shake
This new Kindle version contains all of the recipes and editorial copy from the original print edition. As a bonus, the new Kindle edition includes 14 new photos of the prepared dishes.
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Cuban, Spanish, and Latin American food recipes, Miami/Little Havana Travel Guide, Miami Restaurant Guide, Hispanic Culture & Food
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